I finally, FINALLY made it to Brothl and it was well worth the wait.

Please don’t be alarmed I’m about to start reviewing establishments for ladies of the night, Brothl is the revamping of Joost Bakker’s Silo.
Like its predecessor it’s a no waste, enviro friendly cafe/restaurant but with an emphasis on broth – you really won’t find much else on the menu aside from broth. But this isn’t the dishwater tasting grey soup you might have been served in your youth (no offence mum). Brothl creates its broth from organic, local produce and sources their bones and other bits from some of Melbourne’s best restaurants.


Beef broth + extra goodies.

Broth is also seriously good for you – do some googling and you’ll find hundreds of articles praising its health benefits. Brothl’s menu features four kinds of broth – vegetable, fish/seafood, chicken and beef alongside a selection of add ins. Here’s where you’ll find many items from Silo’s menu like the chickpea falafels, kimchi and housemilled sourdough bread. The list of extras is long but there’s also a chef’s recommendation menu if you’re having trouble choosing from the 18 extras!


Chicken broth + extra goodies.

My friend and I ordered the beef broth and chicken broth. To her broth (top pic) she added beef brisket, seasonal vegetables and housemade noodles. I ordered the chicken broth with poached chicken, offal, my beloved Silo kimchi and seasonal vegetables. The veggies of the day were radishes and brussel sprouts to our very pleasant surprise. Yes, I enjoy offal and brussel sprouts – guess my heritage! We both loooooved the sourdough and butter (served with every broth) and may have even done a sneaky lick of the butter dishes at the end – which are actually jam jar lids, very cool.

Is there anything better than really good, fresh bread and butter?


There is not.

Our thoughts:
Chicken: Delicious and tasty although I think some of the flavour came from the offal. Poached chicken melted in my mouth. Double thumbs up.
Beef: Delicious. Could have had more flavour but the table’s jam jar of chilli added a lot of kick. Noodles were surprisingly soft. Double thumbs up.


Drinks available include Remedy kombucha, Staple Store teas, some booze and coffees. The measuring cup chai also makes a return!



Sweets’n’snacks are found near the register. I was super glad to see citizen cacao chocolates still on offer. They’re made here in Melbourne and are little slices of raw, chocolate goodness. The salted caramel is incredible.
Also apologies for the red tinge on all the pics – the lighting is a bit odd…


The decor and seating is much the same as Silo with a big communal table inside next to the kitchen and a few seats out the front. This does mean it gets a little bit squishy so if you’re visiting with more than one other I’d recommend going at non-peak hour times.


I’d read some reviews saying that portions were small and overpriced which I disagree with. Each broth is $10, about 750ml in size and comes with a side of bread and butter. The cost does add up depending how many extras you choose but you could easily get away with spending under $20 and still enjoy a delicious meal. Plus think of all the goodness you’re eating!


I will most definitely be back. There are so many other extras I’m keen to try as well as their breakfast broth of organic oats soaked in fruit skins, cores and seeds.

While I was sad to see Silo my favourite brunch spot close, it’s replacement I’d argue is serving up food that’s just as good.
If you’re after a delicious meal that is also seriously nutritious, look no further than your local Brothl.

BROTHL – By Joost
123 Hardware Street

Brothl on Urbanspoon


  1. mmmmm broothhh.. and bread.. and butter. This place looks very interesting and now I want a warm brothy soup.

    1. It’s so good – highly recommend! I’m curious to see if they introduce any cold broths/gazpocho type dishes for the warmer weather.

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